We live in a time when any information you could want is available at a few taps of your fingers. Your devices are smart, and so are you. So why are you still tracking your work on paper?
Computerized maintenance management system (say that five times fast). Or, to save yourself some time, you can just call it a CMMS.
Saving time is exactly what a CMMS solution is all about. A CMMS is a tool that keeps track of jobs, scheduling, and priorities. It’s like having a stack of work orders folded up and shoved into your smartphone. Sure, you could write reminders for yourself on a handful of sticky notes or make an Excel workbook for every job. But how do you keep them organized?
What Does CMMS Maintenance Software Do?
CMMS maintenance software manages all your tasks in a single place. Gone are the days of scrambling through dozens of spreadsheets to find the details of a job. With a CMMS, you can filter by date, job type, location, and more.
Real-time Updates from Anywhere
These programs have been around for a long time, but until recently, they weren’t widely available. CMMS users of the past could only access the tool from their desks, making such software unrealistic for field workers. This meant extra work for everyone, adding countless hours of paperwork and data entry. It also meant hiring an entire IT team to fix issues with the software when things didn’t go as planned.
Cloud-based CMMS solutions mean you and your peers can update jobs from anywhere, any time. You don’t have to be connected to data or wifi to make changes and mark projects as complete. Need to make a change to a job? Say goodbye to sending email after email when unexpected adjustments come up. You can add comments or revisions as you perform them in the field.
Once you have service again, the software syncs with the cloud. Everyone who needs to know what’s going on with the project is notified on their phone or tablet through the CMMS software. If anyone has questions or needs to follow up with details, they can update the task again from their end.
Save Time, Save Money

It’s not just your own time that’s saved by a CMMS. By keeping track of inventory, maintenance logs, and inspections, you’ll keep your equipment up and running. With the time equipment spends offline reduced, you also save time in the long run by doing fewer repairs. When you identify and fix small issues before they become bigger problems, you extend the life of your assets.
At Redlist, saving you time is our specialty. You can create templates and forms to quick-add tasks or job details. Our system updates based on your equipment inspections, giving you personalized maintenance suggestions. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can reduce your downtime, streamline maintenance, and help your bottom line.