How to Eliminate the Visibility Gap and Close the Loop to Increase your OEE

Data collection is a big initiative for almost every company. The problem most companies run into is aggregating the data in such a way that they can quickly make decisions and plan action to remedy the problems identified by the technicians, sensors and lab data streams. When the data is coming from so many sources and in so many modes (i.e. paper, 3rd party systems, from the cloud, multiple logins, CMMS, phone calls, emails, etc.) the task to make a decision is monumental at times. Bowman will dive into the strategy deployed by Redlist on how to create a solution that automates the steps that enable your teams to get past the observation step, automatically orient you to your data streams in one place and allow you to make quick decisions and action plans that will affect your OEE dramatically.

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How to Eliminate the Visibility Gap

How to Eliminate the Visibility Gap and Close the Loop to Increase your OEE