How to Optimize a Lubrication Program with Goals and Rewards

Is your lubrication program as effective as it could be? Many businesses struggle to keep their equipment properly lubricated, and this can lead to a number of problems. Luckily, there are ways to optimize your lubrication program and get better results. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some goals and rewards that will encourage your team to do their best work.

Why Does Your Lubrication Program Need Goals and Rewards?

Maintaining a lubrication program is one of the most important tasks for a maintenance team. However, it can be difficult to keep everyone on track without proper incentives. You can’t motivate someone without a sense of accomplishment, and you can’t control something that can’t be quantified. Without clear targets and a reward system to promote commitment, certain tasks in the field of machine reliability lack motivation. This leaves the efficacy of the lubrication program up to judgment. To prevent lubrication issues, you should create a lubrication program with more precise objectives. This will increase the availability and reliability of your equipment. If you’re looking for lubrication program improvement, setting goals and rewards is one of the best things you can do. By doing so, you create a sense of ownership and accountability among your team.

No More Micromanaging Your Lubrication Program

Your primary objective and the thing you want your staff to pay attention to at work are goals. Then, when someone completes their task, they are rewarded. For instance, this may take the form of a bonus, gift card, or accruing extra paid vacation days. Reward systems are essential because they allow you to manage your company’s performance without micromanaging every single employee’s tasks.

The Importance of Lubrication Program Metrics

You need benchmarks to be able to evaluate the development of the program’s multiple components after setting the goals and implementing the system. Also, you must determine the performance indicators that will help you assess the extent to which staff members need more training and to measure the overall success of the lubrication program.

With the use of these metrics, the program will be able to demonstrate the benefits of its advancements and keep everyone on their toes and on track toward its goals for improvement. Benchmarks also provide rationalizations for any flaws or missteps that may have occurred. The program’s success will also be facilitated by clearly defined action plans for unmet objectives. Join us for an educational webinar with guest Tim Dunton from Reliability Solutions as he will cover the 5 Steps to Maintaining a Successful Lubrication Program.

Examples of Lubrication Program Goals and Rewards


The goal of the lubrication program is to encourage professional growth and knowledge by rewarding those who demonstrate a commitment to their craft with certification. For example, you can reward technicians who receive a Machinery Lubrication 1 certification with a pay raise.


The second goal is to reward those who demonstrate a commitment to their craft by advancing them professionally. This could be through education or training, increased responsibilities, or being promoted within the company itself. In this instance, you could reward technicians who consistently achieve the lubrication program goals with an advancement in job title or responsibility.

Training and Education

The third goal to optimize your lubrication program is to offer training and education opportunities for employees. This is essential for them to learn new skills or improve existing ones and become more valuable members of the team. This may include classes on specific tasks, new technology, or supervisory training to help them grow as leaders within their organization or industry.

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Lubrication Program Success = Business Success

Your lubrication program is there to ensure that every step of the lubrication process is performed properly and in an efficient manner. It ensures that you’re able to work at your peak performance level, which means that you’re able to produce more products for less cost and with less energy usage. Using goals and rewards to optimize your lubrication program is an easy way to ensure that your team stays on top of their game and your equipment runs smoothly.

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