Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)

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Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP) is a term you may have heard before, but what does it mean? In short, PMP is the percentage of planned maintenance activities versus unplanned or reactive maintenance. Planned maintenance percentage is a metric that maintenance and engineering professionals use to measure the effectiveness of their preventive maintenance (PM) program. The goal of any organization should be to have as high of a PMP as possible to reduce downtime and keep equipment running smoothly. PMP can help you identify areas where your PM program needs improvement and make necessary adjustments. In this post, we will discuss what PMP is and how it can help you optimize your preventive maintenance efforts.

What is Planned Maintenance Percentage?

Simply put, planned maintenance percentage measures your amount of preventive maintenance versus reactive maintenance. It is a useful statistic for monitoring the effectiveness of a preventive maintenance program and finding opportunities to cut back on reactive maintenance. Additionally, you can use PMP to identify the root of ineffectiveness, inefficiencies, and broken maintenance processes you need to address.

How to Calculate Your Planned Maintenance Percentage

Before you bust out your calculator, you must determine what maintenance activities qualify as planned maintenance. Any maintenance that is managed, recorded, and scheduled in advance of asset breakdown is referred to as planned maintenance. Maintenance that you plan in response to a breakdown does not count as planned maintenance.

Once you have pulled only your planned maintenance activities for the time period you want to measure, you can divide the total hours spent on planned maintenance by the total hours spent on all maintenance during the same time. You calculate your final percentage by multiplying this value by 100.

Planned Maintenance Percentage = # of planned maintenance hours ÷ # of total maintenance hours X 100

For instance, let’s say you performed 300 total hours of maintenance and only 180 hours of planned maintenance. Your planned maintenance percentage would be 60%.

Why is Planned Maintenance Percentage an Important Metric?

Planned maintenance is a vital component of healthy maintenance operations. Keeping compliant with safety regulations, using time efficiently, and spending money efficiently all depend on it. When maintenance teams measure planned maintenance percentages, they can gain insight into all these areas and focus on improving their strengths and addressing their weaknesses.

How to Use Your PMP Result

Utilizing data-driven analysis, you can use your planned maintenance percentage to determine maintenance schedules, resource allocation, and maintenance procedures. Tracking and enhancing PMP may assist in maximizing asset reliability and keeping costs in check. This is because it has such a significant impact on the health of assets and how maintenance teams function.

Lower Equipment Downtime

Preventive maintenance, which studies have found can reduce unplanned downtime by up to 18%, is a common type of planned maintenance. By using PMP and other maintenance metrics, you may identify which assets cause the most downtime. Then, determine whether you can avoid those issues with greater preventive maintenance.

Reduce Maintenance Costs

PMP can be used to reduce downtime and maximize resource utilization to control expenses. A greater PMP indicates the capacity to arrange labor and supplies well in advance. This aids in lowering instances of overbooking and over-purchasing, which helps you save money. Planned maintenance increases uptime, boosts output, and reduces the amount of money lost due to downtime.

Optimize Maintenance Schedules

When a bigger percentage of work is planned, schedules can be created or improved much earlier. As a result, less labor and material are wasted, and the maintenance crew can organize its work around the production schedule.

Better Reporting for Audits

Audits occur in all different sizes and styles, but they all rely on two fundamental elements: current observation and past evidence. A vital tool the maintenance team may use to guarantee assets are periodically inspected and that there is a thorough log documenting their efforts is the planned maintenance percentage. Both are essential for passing audits and ongoing compliance.

What is an Ideal Planned Maintenance Percentage Goal?

A PMP of 85% or higher is the goal for world-class maintenance teams. However, there are many categories of planned maintenance to consider:

PMP Supports Increasing Preventive Maintenance

Measurement, analysis, and improvement of your planned maintenance percentage can have a significant ripple effect throughout your facility. Your business will have more control over its activities, resources, and finances when it switches from reactive to preventive maintenance. Additionally, it prioritizes crucial equipment and helps every aspect of the organization, including production, customer service, finance, and more.

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